Monday 21 June 2010

The will to learn

Today, I meat a man that I knew a few years ago, he is almost 60 years old, and he is laready retired.

This man, had his PhD in engineering about 30 years ago, but did not work as an academic, rather, his work was in management.

His love to learn, encouraged him to continue research for the past 30 years continuously! His latest publication was last year (2009).

When we sat together, most of the time, we were talking about a research point that he is trying to solve for the past few years.

I was really inspired by his will to continue learning more in the topic he loved most!

Imagine, if you have that will, what would you do?
How many people would learn from your knowledge?
How many people will be enspired by your dedication?
How mcuh satisfaction will you be able to gain?

This time, I am just writing to send my respects to that gentelman.

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